What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is about helping people of all ages achieve their maximum potential through movement and function. It is the treatment and prevention of pain, injury or disability through exercise, hands-on therapy, advice and education. When you come to see us, we’ll make a full assessment, explain what we think is wrong and agree a plan of action to suit you and your lifestyle. Experience tells us that no two pain sufferers are the same, there are common patterns but your particular presentation will be unique and treatment needs to reflect this. We support each other by sharing knowledge, discussing cases and cross referring, so that you get maximum benefit from our skills.
Physiotherapy treatment with our therapists is very much hands-on, utilising techniques such as joint mobilisation, muscle stretching, massage and exercise. Using these techniques, a Physiotherapist can help with a variety of ailments, often curing the problem altogether.
Conditions commonly treated by Physiotherapists are back pain and neck pain including headaches, all joint injuries but commonly shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, hip, knee and ankle joints, muscular tears and strains, nerve injuries.
Our Physiotherapists are fully qualified and are also trained in Clinical Pilates which allows them to incorporate this into rehab programmes. Using both manual techniques and other methods of rehabilitation allow Physiotherapists to be extremely effective at problem solving an injury.